
Monday, December 16, 2019

Question Word Prompts

Question Word Prompts

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Some recent thoughts

Why you enjoy the game is probably different from when you started or even from 6 months ago. Check up on that. What do you want to experience or cultivate in yourself? Why is that? Is your current routine the best way to achieve that? What would be?

Where your time goes reflects your priorities. If you don’t consistently spend time deliberately trying to get better then as of now you don’t actually want to get better more than you want to avoid the work involved.

When you choose to play the game do not allow it to conflict with your life. NEVER prioritize a hobby— or a passion— over greater priorities such as your health, finances, education, or important relationships.
I know that it’s in vogue to try to turn a hobby into a form of income via competing or streaming, but if you can’t get to a meaningful level of success part-time then you simply don’t yet have the tools to see significant success full-time.

Who you hang out with is basically who you choose to learn from. Your association is the context from which your social animal brain learns how to act. If you play with better players you will get better. If you don’t you won’t. Likewise, if you hang with assholes, you’ll unconsciously learn/normalize asshole behaviors. Actively seek out individuals that you want to learn from and imitate because you surely will.

How you play now is the result of your effort over the past two weeks. Hard work is a prerequisite for growth. Consistency is the secret sauce.

What items of practice would make the biggest impact at this time is a difficult question unless you have a deep understanding of the game. Unless you are the most knowledgeable person you know, it is most efficient to outsource that thinking to a coach. A wider perspective is invaluable.