
Saturday, September 11, 2021

Circadian Clock

The most powerful influence over your circadian clock is light viewing, not sleep times.

how to rapidly set circadian clock:

- Within 30 min of waking up, 2+ min exposure to outdoor sunlight
Optional: add exercise, food or social exposure
- Around sunset, take 2+ min walk and view low solar angle
- After sunset, use dim and horizontal (not overhead) lights

- lowest body temp occurs 2 hours before natural wake time (ex: 2 hours before 7:00AM is 5:00AM). Light exposure in the few hours before lowest body temp (ex: 3:00AM) will make you want to go to sleep later and later on the following days, light exposure soon after lowest body temp (ex: 6:00AM) will make you want to go to sleep earlier on the following days.

- Inconsistent clock/light/activity signals don’t just screw up sleep, it screws up all chemical systems, leading to cascading performance and mood disorder.

- You don't need 7-8hrs of sleep per night so much as 70-80hrs over any 10 day period.