
Friday, November 27, 2020

Marth vs Puff: some Fair combo variations


Soft Fair -> Dair:
From about 30-40%, Marth can true combo FH soft fair to dair. After the dair, if puff DIs to the stage, marth can techchase grab, and then pivot tipper fsmash puff for a kill. That means that with good execution, a FH soft fair at 30% can equal a kill! He can even combo a low tipper fair or a sideB to a soft fair.
After 40%, the dair will no longer connect vs combo DI but will connect if puff DIs badly, so depending on the position it might be a mixup with a raw dair. Puff can get out earlier with good sdi.

Dash SideB:
When puff combo DIs down and away, instead of reaching for a tipper aerial and ending the combo, it is better to dash a small extra distance and then sideB. After the sideB, marth doesn’t get a true followup without bad DI, but he does keep puff within reach of his disjoint and can reaction punish a commitment, including with a soft fair, so the expected value is significantly higher.

The heuristic that comes from this is:
when comboing puff, it is best to repeat SH soft fairs until she either DIs too far away, at which point you dash sideB FH aerial, or until she reaches FH height, at which point you FH soft fair dair.

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